U.S. Midterm Elections: A World-Historical Event?

  • Current Students
  • Future Students
  • International Students

October 07, 2022, 7:00 pm

New Westminster
room N2201

The U.S. Midterm Elections are coming up at the beginning of November. Join us Oct. 7 from 7–9:30pm at the New Westminster Campus, room N2201, for a public panel discussion about politics, democracy and the importance of these upcoming elections. 

If you’re a dual citizen trying to decide whether to vote or simply have an interest in the world political climate, this panel will answer the election questions you’ve been eager to ask. 

Panelists include Dr. Jovian Radheshwar, Political Science instructor (Douglas College),  Dr. Jeff Schutts, Department of History and Institute of Ethics and Global Justice instructor (Douglas College), and  Dr. Hugh P. Gusterson, Department of Anthropology and School of Public Policy and Global Affairs (University of British Columbia).  

Discussion topics will include: 

- Basics of the election process 

- How the two parties are fundraising and shaping the electoral process 

- Using political theory to analyze a divisive society 

- Evaluating the idea of a new “fascist age” with historical context 

Coordinated alongside Democrats Abroad, this event is free and open to all.