BA (Booth University College), BSc (Simon Fraser) Geography Lab Tech IV, David Lam Campus
Office: B2232 (David Lam)
Phone: (604) 777-6034
Email: henwoods@douglascollege.ca
My interest in Geography began in high school, due to the influence of a great teacher. Despite this, many years passed before I decided to pursue a career in Geography.
My undergraduate studies began at Booth University College, where I obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in Biblical and Theological Studies in 1986. A variety of jobs and career paths followed, but my interest in geography would not remain buried! I later continued my studies at Simon Fraser University where, in 2000, I received a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in (Physical) Geography and a minor in Earth Sciences. I also qualified as a Geoscientist-in-Training with the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of BC. My research interests include Glacial Geomorphology and Quaternary Geology.
In 1999, I joined the Geography and the Environment Department as the Lab Technician for the David Lam Campus. My greatest enjoyment comes from working individually with students, helping each to more fully understand course material. One of my goals is to help students discover that math can be easy and fun!