
Applied Methods: Fencing and European Handball

Important Notice

This course is not active. Please contact Department Chair for more information.

Science & Technology
Sport Science
Course Code
SPSC 1321
Semester Length
15 weeks (or 8 weeks condensed in summer)
Max Class Size
Method(s) Of Instruction
Field Experience
Typically Offered
To be determined


Course Description
Students will study fencing and European handball from teaching, coaching, and performance perspectives. Topics include the study of selected performance components; an examination and application of observation, analysis and feedback methods and procedures, and utilization of different pedagogical strategies in the delivery of selected skills and tactics.
Course Content

Instructional strategies and professional development:

  1. alternative teaching and coaching approaches
  2. class management strategies
  3. developmentally appropriate technical and tactical progressions and drills
  4. principles of effective instruction  

Fencing: fundamental techniques. Technical and tactical elements of effective individual performance, including, but not limited to, the following:

  1. footwork – advance, appel, ballestra, flèche & In quartata
  2. blade work - arrêt à bon temps, attaque au fer , beat & bompound-riposte
  3. parry - counter-parry, neuvieme, octave & yielding parry 
  4. bouting – assault, corps-à-corps, salut des armes 

European handball: fundamental techniques. Technical elements of effective performance including, but not limited to the following:

  1. ready position
  2. movement (i.e., body – feet, hands, head, etc.)
  3. ball handling
  4. passing
  5. shooting
  6. defensive fundamentals
  7. set plays

European handball: tactical elements

  1. Attack concepts (related to on-ball and off-ball elements):
    • mobility
    • variety / control
    • deception
    • offensive depth
    • improvisation
    • transition
  2. Defensive concepts (related to On-Ball and Off-Ball Elements):
    • concentration
    • anticipate and adjust
    • read and react
    • communicate and commit
    • control and restraint
    • transition

Observation and analysis methods and procedures  

  1. analysis frameworks
    • teaching: affective, cognitive, psychomotor dimensions of learning and game play in fencing and handball
    • coaching: tactical, technical, psychological, physical
    • scope: components of observation and analysis
  2. approaches: types and methods of observation and analysis
  3. qualitative and quantitative analysis
  4. error detection, prioritizing, and correction

Rules and Terminology

  1. interpretive knowledge of the rules and terminology of fencing
  2. interpretive knowledge of the rules and terminology of European handball  
Learning Activities
  • Lecture
  • Discussion groups
  • Practical applications and experiences
  • Field observation
  • Technology assisted learning
Means of Assessment

Assessment in this course will be consistent with Douglas College evaluation and assessment policy. Assessments forms will be left to instructor discretion in relation to the following guidelines and with the understanding that all five of the following areas are relevant to course objectives and are to be included in the assessment processes stipulated by the instructor.

Theoretical knowledge up to 30%
Instructional knowledge and skill up to 30%
Game/skill analysis up to 30%
Practical skills up to 20%
Lesson planning up to 20%


Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Properly situate European handball and fencing within the sport categorization model.
  2. Demonstrate correct performance in selected skills and tactics involved in the performance of European handball and fencing.
  3. Demonstrate the use of progressions and differentiated strategies during the teaching of selected skills and/or tactics for European handball and fencing.
  4. Apply observation, analysis, and feedback methods and procedures to detect and correct errors in selected skills and tactics during game performance.
  5. Integrate educational and coaching elements in the overall design of instructional and lesson plans for European handball and fencing.
  6. Demonstrate interpretive knowledge of the rules and terminology for European handball and fencing.
Textbook Materials

Textbooks and Materials to be Purchased by Students

Textbooks and other course resources will be selected by the instructor. The following are presented as examples

Fencing – Fencing/ Elaine Cheris / ISBN13: 9780873229722

European handball -  Team European Handball/ Reita Clanton, Mary Phyl Dwight/ ISBN13: 9780873224116



No prerequisite courses.


No corequisite courses.


No equivalent courses.

Course Guidelines

Course Guidelines for previous years are viewable by selecting the version desired. If you took this course and do not see a listing for the starting semester / year of the course, consider the previous version as the applicable version.

Course Transfers

These are for current course guidelines only. For a full list of archived courses please see

Institution Transfer Details for SPSC 1321
There are no applicable transfer credits for this course.

Course Offerings

Fall 2024